Sunday, May 23, 2010

No more

I can't let myself eat anymore today.

I just can't.


  1. Hi
    I just started reading your blog, it's really good. Im struggling with my weight too and dunno what to do anymore. I binge nearly everyday, nice to read about your experiences, helps a lot. Anyway, keep going and don't give up! Look at how much you've lost already! :)

    R x

  2. Hey there. I've been following your blog while going through my first ABC diet and ... I feel ya. I'm on the saaaaame damn boat. I get a great week of following the limits and then BAM! BINGE TIME!

    It's not just you. I feel just as helpless and out of control.

    Though a trick I recently discovered that really really works for me is convincing myself that I should ONLY eat if I'm ACTUALLY hungry. People confuse hunger with thirst and actual digestion ALL the time.

    Hunger is ONLY felt in the lower rib cage... just below the breast on the left-hand side.

    Anything else is either thirst or food turning into poop.

    Sorry for the gross example but it is what it is!

    I find that reminding myself of this really helps. Also.. knowing that when you eat while your body is trying to digest.. will hinder the digestion process.. and this results in a perma-bloated belly, not to mention excess weight.

    Keep on keepin' on, I'm right there with ya.
