Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sigh. An intervention must be made.

As the title says, there needs to be an intervention. My ability to do this diet is just not there right now. Why? Because I am literally overweight. It's not like I'm 115 pounds and want to get thinner. I am one obese fat ass. A fat ass that tends to stuff her face. So, only living off of such a thing, makes me binge. Which, I guess is to be expected when you from eating super enourmous amounts to little amounts.

So, my solution? I'm going to give myself a two week plan. I've made it myself.

Feel free to join in (or modify it, if you feel like it's too much food). I just really need to cushion myself from such a dramatic change, because it will only lead to binging.


Wake up-5:45 am [Do work out number 1, from earlier post]
Breakfast- 6:45 am [2 egg whites, and some fruit -fruit will vary- total: 100-120 calories]
Lunch- 11:45 am [Turkey sandwich- total: 200 calories]
Snack- 3:15 pm [slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, and an apple- total: 225 calories] *note, this snack is only there to avoid a later binge]
Dinner- 5:00 pm [Spinch salad- I am unsure of the amout of calories, but I'll figure that out before I make it, and tell y'all.]
Cardio- 6:00 pm [Thirty to sixty minutes of riding on the exercise bike.]
*No more eating after dinner
*Goal of 64+ oz of water

DAY TOTAL: 550-700 ish

Wake up- whenever [Go for a walk around my neighborhood]
Brunch- whenever I get back from walk [slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter -165 calories]
Work out- 5:00 [Work out number two, from earlier list]
Dinner- 6:00 [Turkey sandwhich- cayanne pepper, lettuce -total- about 215ish]
*No more eating after dinner
*Goal of 64+ oz of water

DAY TOTAL: 380 ish


For weekdays:
Wake up- 5:45 am [Run for 15 minutes to kick start day]
Breakfast- 6:45 am [egg white spinach omelet -total- 60/80ish calories]
Lunch- 11:45 am [apple, 50-60 calories]
Snack- 3:15 pm [low fat, low cal yogurt 50 ish?]
Dinner- 5:00 pm [tomato soup- 225 calories]
Work out- 6:00 pm [Work out #1, and #2 from lists]
*No food after dinner
*Goal of 64+ oz of water

DAY'S TOTAL: 410 ish

For weekends:
Wake up- whenever [Biggest Loser work out + a walk around the neighborhood]
Brunch- vary time [low fat, low cal yogurt 50 ish?]
Work out- 5:00 pm [Short yoga routine]
Dinner- 6:00 pm [Spinach salad, don't know the calories]
*No more food after dinner
*Goal 64+ oz of water

If you have any critiques you think I need to make, or any suggestions, PLEASE comment on it.

Thanks, and sorry for having to put the five bite diet on hold, until I can control myself. TWO WEEKS, I PROMISE THEN I'LL REALLY DO THE 5 BITE DIET. So this will go from Sunday, May 16, 2010 until May 29, 2010. Then May 30th, the 5 bite diet will begin again.

See yaaaaa,

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